Noah has reached 6 months, actually he's now closer to 7 months than 6 but we went and got pictures taken to remember the age. He has been so much fun these past few weeks!! I'm really liking this age the best so far. He has been scooting and rolling around the floor but not crawling yet. He loves to play in his crib so I let him. A few times Alan or I have gotten him up from his nap and he'll look back with a face of: I'm not done playing in there, can I go back? We'll put him facing one way and when we get him up from his nap he's usually turned around on the other end on his stomach playing with his stuffed animals.
It's much easier to take Noah out and about because he can go in his umbrella stroller now and we have enough time to go do something before he needs another nap.
Noah has developed a high pitched scream that can just about drive me crazy. We called it the puppy dog scream because he sounds like a puppy dog getting squished. It's just him exploring his voice but I can't wait for this sound to pass.